
1 Self Portrait 20x16.jpg

For me, true transcendence of life occurs while I paint. Through the richness of color, shape & form; a painting can become a vehicle for spiritually, while altering the consciousness & mood. It's a life journey of what's real & deeply meaningful. The act of painting is almost like going to a therapist, while exploring new thoughts & ideas. Every day, I have the chance to reach into the depths of who I am as an artist & a human being. In my world, I get to transform & reimagine what paintings can be & that fuels my hopes, dreams & possibilities in life. There is no time, no fear, & no expectations when I work, only the chance to understand my deep emotional & physical connections with each image. Even during these uncertain times, my paintbrush is merely a candle that lights my way through the vast journey of life exploration. Each brush stroke, caress the paint onto the canvas. Each dab of rich color is a sacrament to experiencing a more authentic & beautiful perspective to life itself.